Chakra 2 is traditionally called Svadhisthana in the yogic tradition. Svadhisthana translates from Sanskrit to English as "where your being is established". This energy/power center is located in the lower abdomen/sacrum region. For those not keenly aware of human anatomy, the sacrum is the bone (actually 5 fused vertebrae) resembling the body of a stingray in between the hips. The sacrum sits atop the tiny coccyx (tailbone) which is the formal base of the spine.
This energy center acts as our center of creativity, of flow and movement, desire, pleasure and fun.
Signs of balance:
Ability to embrace pleasure
Creativity flowing
Ability to embrace change
Grace in our movement
Healthy relationship to fun
Clarity about what we want
Out of balance red flags:
Excessive GUILT (We feel bad for...)
Sexual problems or dysfunctions
Denial of pleasure
Body feels stiff or inflexible
Creativity feels blocked
Low back pain
Loss of interest in sex, food, life
Sacral chakra affirmations:
"I move towards what I desire".
"It's fun to be alive".
"I celebrate my sexuality".
"My creativity is effortless".
"I align with the flow of my life".
Practices focused on this energy center:
Flowing movement practices
Hip rolling
Hip opening stretches
Playing just for pure fun with no agenda attached
Sex and conscious orgasim
Questions to gain insight on this energy center:
How's your sex life?
What makes you feel guilty?
How much fun are you having?
Is your creativity flowing these days?
What gets you excited lately?
How is your body feeling?
Are you clear about what you want even in simple situations like what to have for dinner or what to do when you have some unsuspected free time?
For more depth on practical applications to the chakras check out Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith.